Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Pope Benedict XVI

Despite clamoring by the American press for a more modern candidate, the conclave of cardinals has selected German Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger to be the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

My Way News Article

Ratzinger, who will take the name Pope Benedict XVI, is renowned for his staunch conservatism. The new pope will not rewrite catholic opinion on sexuality, as some had hoped and others feared.

I wish to offer my congratulations to the conclave for choosing a holy man to lead the church. May the prayers of the faithful be with Pope Benedict XVI as he takes on this important role.

The nomination of Ratzinger is an excellent choice. He will continue to make sure the church stands for all it did under Pope John Paul II. It is good that the Church sees the folly of giving up what she stands for to gain popularity.

The Roman Catholic Church has taken the correct position on sexuality, reaffirmed by the Bible countless times. If she changes to a more modern view, she will have lost what she stood for.

What good for a man to gain the whole world if he forfeit his soul? - Matthew 16:26


Barba Roja said...

Oh what horrors await the Church with this horned serpent as their leader...

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Are you going to continue with shallow rhetoric or offer some genuine reasons for why Ratzinger will be the worst thing since the Inquisition?

Tran Sient said...

He will do exactly what John Paul II did.