Tuesday, April 26, 2005


House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay (R-TEX) has been under scrutiny from the mainstream press for some shady dealings with lobbyists. I have not yet commented on this, because I didn't see how this was a story.

All of Congress is in bed with special interest. We all know that. For skeptics: CBS News Article

"The PoliticalMoneyLine study reviewed 5,410 trips taken by 605 members of the House and Senate. Democratic lawmakers had the edge, taking 3,025 trips, to 2,375 trips for GOP members.

The No. 1 trip-taker in dollar terms was Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., chairman of the
House Judiciary Committee. Sensenbrenner took 19 trips valued at $168,000.

In contrast, DeLay finished 28th by taking 14 trips valued at $94,568. "

If DeLay were the only one involved, I'd be worked up. As it is, so many of our representatives are entangled with lobbyists that throwing DeLay out wouldn't do a whole lot. Now if there's a way we can impeach everyone in Washington, let me know where I sign up.

Until then, I'm not getting all emotional.

I've harped on this before, and I'll harp on it again. Without term limits, we are never going to have even a vaguely accountable Congress.

Remember the "Contract With America"? Newt Gingrich mobilized conservatives. Republicans were elected throughout the country, taking over the House of Representatives, promising to balance the budget.

They did that then, but a lot of them are still there, and a Republican House won't balance a budget for Bush like they did under Clinton.

Power corrupts...

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