Monday, April 11, 2005

Hillary Clinton

According to the Drudge Report, a new book about Hillary Clinton is expected to come out this fall. Ed Klein is supposed to give us all the dirty details on the former first lady.

Says Drudge: " ... the coming sales pitch for 'THE TRUTH ABOUT HILLARY What She Knew, When She Knew It, and How Far She'll Go to Become President' reads: 'Just as the swift boat veterans convinced millions of voters that John Keryy lacked the character to be president, Klein's book will influence everyone who is sizing up the character of Hillary Clinton..."

As a conservative, I dislike Hillary because she espouses a socialist mentality--remember her healthcare plan?--but most conservatives seem to think that if Hillary gets into the White House the world will end.

Please. She can't be that bad. We survived Bill just fine.

I don't know enough about the book yet to determine if it will be a brilliant expose or a partisan hack-job, though Klein is decribed as "liberal". My bet is it will fall somewhere in-between, sell millions of copies and have very little influence.

These kind of books tend to preach to the choir. Hillary is enough of a polarizing character that most Americans, especially the ones who vote, have their minds made up on her already.

In timing with the book, according to World Net Daily, a national campaign has been started to STOP HILLARY NOW. Mrs. Clinton is up for re-election for her Senate seat in 2006.

Like I said, these people really don't like her. Here are some revealing quotes:

"This is not merely a race for New York. It's a race for America"

"Stopping Hillary Rodham Clinton is the most important thing you and I can do as Republicans in the next two years. You could say it's our duty as Republicans."

Uh huh.

The duty of Republicans is to start fielding candidates who actually stand up for conservative ideals. George Bush is doing just fine losing this "race for America" with the help of a complacent Republican Congress.

Looks like 2008 is going to be the most important election of our lifetimes... again.

I can't wait.


Barba Roja said...

Hillayr Clinton won't be nominated. End of story.

Barba Roja said...

hey, what happened to your links?

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Not really sure, I'll fix them.