Friday, April 01, 2005

Amnesty for Illegals, Brought to You By... Republicans?

Amnesty for illegals is advocated frequently enough, but rarely by Republicans. Bush caught a lot of flack, at least in some conservative circles, for a push for amnesty during his first term. It appears the Republicans have done it again. Washington Times Article

Senator Larry E. Craig, and Idaho Republican, wants to grant amnesty to the estimated 500,000-1,000,000 illegals working in the agricultural industry.

Wake up Republicans! Quit worshipping at the throne of capitalism and look our for our nation's well-being. If we continue to allow whoever gets in to stay, our Republic will collapse. Don't let big businesses demand for cheap labor cause us to cease to exist.

One would think that after September 11th, we'd be a little more leary about who we let in. Apparently not. Despite outcries for border control, such as the Minuteman Project (Fox News Article), the Republican Party has shown where at least some of her members stand.

Hopefully, there are still enough Republicans who will vote against this nonsense.

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