Thursday, April 21, 2005

More Money For Iraq War

For those who may have forgotten, we are still engaged in a war over in Iraq. To fund that war, Bush recently asked Congress for 81.9 billion dollars.

Yahoo Article

The House thought that this would be too much, and gave Bush less money, only 81.4 billion. Fortunately for those of us who care about fiscal responsibility, the more closely contested Senate wouldn't even give Bush 81.4 billion. They held the line at an even 81 billion.

Thanks senators.

It seems that Bush gets whatever he wants when it comes to spending. This newest bill will push the amount of money spent in Iraq to over 300 billion dollars. That's a large price tag for a misguided foreign policy.

If Congress remains adamant on spending like drunken sailors, something must be done. Our representatives know that most of them will never see any real threat for re-election. Let's provide a threat. It's called term limits, and it's one way we can be sure that Congress provides the neccesary check to Presidential power.

The founding fathers built a series of checks and balances into our government to prevent abuses of power. While no system is perfect, a few reforms will lead to a more accurate realization of the founders' vision.

It's high time we voted out the incumbents who show such blatant disregard for our hard-earned money. The era of balanced budgets is over only because we continue to elect tax-and-spend liberals from both parties who have no sense of fiscal responsibility.

The Iraq war is a failure, and we need to move now to cut our losses and bring American troops home. Spending more money isn't helping. A failed policy is a failed policy regardless of how much is spent implementing it.


G.I. Joey said...

Tax and spend liberals are just as much to blame for the budget problems as conservatives willing to shell out "corporate welfare" at every turn.

A Wiser Man Than I said...

I agree. Real conservatives don't support "corporate welfare". I am just as harsh, if not harsher on Republicans who spend like Democrats. With a Democrat, you know what you're getting. With the Republicans, you think you know what you're getting into, but then they end of governing like Democrats.

G.I. Joey said...

Word up!

troutsky said...

I would not mind paying taxes knowing that they went to help provide for the basic human needs(rights) of my fellow citizens, health care,food,shelter,education,even employment on national infrastructure,public lands etc..Im not crazy about funding unilateral military intervention or subsidizing corporations.

A Wiser Man Than I said...

I would, but that's libertarian me. Still, I think we can agree that if our government is going to spend our money they should do so repsonsibly.

Balanced budget amendment anyone?