Monday, April 04, 2005

Minuteman Project's "Success"

The Minuteman Project is under way. For those who haven't heard, the Minuteman Project is a group of Americans who are taking time to guard parts of the Arizona/Mexico border in an effort to curb illegal immigration. They feel, as do I, that our government has been complacent in border security.

The Minutemen have reported eighteen arrests. World Net Daily Article

Please hold your applause.

I don't want to seem like the eternal pessimist, but we should take this with a grain of salt. A big grain of salt, as big as the holes left in our southern border. Estimates put the number of illegals in this country between 8 and 10.5 million, with between .5 to 1 million more entering in recent years.

Let's see, detaining 18 per day, 365 days a year, carry the one... I'd say the effect is negligible.

I am whole-heartedly in favor of the Minuteman Project. They are operating under the scope of the law, and are trying to do what the United States military should be doing.

It's just that they're trying to hold back the sea with a broom.

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