Monday, June 04, 2007

No Reason For Tears

Bush's immigration plan has conservatives up in arms. It's about time. I probably should have commented on this before, but I honestly couldn't get all that fired up about the fact that Bush isn't a conservative because it's something I've been repeating, mostly to myself, for years. And while it's nice to see a few conservatives finally remove the scales from their eyes, the sort of person who can be duped for six years into supporting a man who opposes them on every important point is the same type of fool who will vote for Newt Gingrich (or whomever) when the GOP resuscitates his corpse to play the sacrificial victim to Hillary Clinton.

I can't say I wasn't surprised that Bush decided to make a move for amnesty because I expected him to continue to do nothing about immigration; though I expected, and still do, some heavy bombing of Iran before the President thankfully retreats to his little ranch--for good. But it's not as if Bush is acting against his principles. He has always cared more for himself and his friends than for the voters who honored him with two terms. With the War in Iraq unlikely to be wrapped up by '08, Bush made a move to save his legacy by granting 12 million illegals the present of de facto permanent citizenship. And really, when you compare it to the gutting of the Republic, the alleged selling-out of a Republican base which was too stupid for its own good is hardly a crime. Make no mistake about it, if Bush's plan goes through the Republic is doomed. At best, the Southwest will become, once again, a part of Mexico. More likely, the North American Union will become a reality and U.S. Sovereignty will pass to higher powers and smarmier elites.

Though I've always been pessimistic, this blog exacerbates what could be described as a character flaw. But it would be incorrect to conflate pessimism with unhappiness, or worse, despair. The American Republic was a fascinating and noble experiment, but like almost every human institution, it changes until it no longer retains a semblance of the form under which it was founded. That the Republic is now a plutocracy, that the people no longer have any real say except insofar as they can choose between two virtually indistinguishable candidates, is undeniably unfortunate. But there is little one can do to rectify the situation and, as the saying goes, there is no use crying over ruined republics.

Throughout human history, there have been few examples of actual power being wielded by the people. No doubt there were Athenians who despaired--see Plato--unaware that one day another glorious democracy would take shape. That chance may possibly come again.

Ultimately even the best human experiments go sour. Hope that one's circumstances are improvable is valuable, but true hope is reserved for the life which may lie beyond this one. Even at its height the American Republic was insignificant as compared with the City of God which waits in the clouds. And guided by that vision even the darkest dream of things to come in this once great land pales in comparison. In this we fortunate few may take comfort.