Saturday, October 27, 2007

Obama for the lose

People generally like the fellow, but he's never really had a chance:

Barack Obama, struggling to gain ground on rival Hillary Clinton in the 2008 White House race, faces a delicate dilemma in trying to bring down the Democratic front-runner without spoiling his upbeat image.

After launching his campaign with a burst of excitement, the first-term Illinois senator is mired more than 20 points behind Clinton in national polls and trails by smaller margins in the early voting states of Iowa and New Hampshire barely two months before the first contests.

And again:

Memo to the Democratic presidential candidates: You can still beat Hillary Rodham Clinton, but you better act fast...

She's so strong, in fact, that the race has become about her. And Democratic operatives from presidential campaigns past and present say the only way for any other candidate to win the nomination is to make an even stronger case against her.

"If this were a wedding, we'd be at the 'speak now or forever hold your peace' part," said Steve McMahon, who advised Howard Dean in "If you're a candidate hoping to get past her, the time for nuance and veiled references has passed."

Obama is a young guy, so he should be able to emerge from the rubble none the worse for wear, and if he bides his time, he'll be able to run in 2016, assuming the republic is still around then. (Look, the Mayan calendar ends in 2012. I'm not going to prophesy beyond that date.)

The question is whether or not Obama will play along nicely enough to get the nod to be the vice-president--assuming he wants the position. It might be best for him to fade back into the senate. I'm not so afraid of Hillary that I'll sign up for Rudy like many conservatives are suggesting that we do, and as more will assuredly do as the campaign gets closer and closer to its inevitable end, but I'm also not optimistic about her reign as queen. The Clintons attract scandals like I attract women--actually, they probably attract them oftener. Getting wrapped up in Hillary's administration could see Obama's reputation tarnished.


troutsky said...

Obama had his chances to distinguish himself, to take less advice from handlers and pollsters, but chose to play it safe.If anything does happen to Hillary he could mop up any of the Republican candidates with one hand tied behind his back.Which is why Buchanan is having trouble picking.

Anonymous said...

From Obama's book we learn that he spent many years socializing with the very bottom of the intellectual barrel, that is to say urban church going welfare blacks.

I'm not sure how much a person can learn from chimp-level, ebonics speaking, welfare blacks who have no hope, no money, and no potential.

Gee maybe he can lead us all to the promised land.

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Obama had his chances to distinguish himself, to take less advice from handlers and pollsters, but chose to play it safe.

I think that's partially correct, but it's also true that aside from his vote against the Iraq war, he and Hillary are very similar candidates.

I am a bit surprised that he hasn't played up his anti-war stance. It seems that while supporting the war is seen as foolish, candidates are hesitant to take such a stance.

I think Buchanan's "trouble" is just prudence in disguise. We still have a long way to go, and unlike me, people are actually paying attention to whomever he endorses.