Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Congress Fiddles, The Southwest Returns

I picked up Buchanan's new book this morning. As always, he quotes from a variety of sources in making his case; this time, "The world invasion and conquest of America" is perilous to our future. Simple stuff really, and something I've harped on extensively, probably to death.

I'm about half way done--three cheers for my light Tuesday/Thursday schedule--and I'll consider posting a review when finished. Anyway, in light of the topic at hand, this story caught my eye:

As they prepare for a critical pre-election legislative stretch, Congressional Republican leaders have all but abandoned a broad overhaul of immigration laws and instead will concentrate on national security issues they believe play to their political strength.

See because apparently national security and border security are unrelated. See because we have to get them over there before they get us over here. Of course, if we simply prevented them from getting here in the first place... but that wouldn't leave reason for the government to increase in size as we, oh so readily, cede civil liberties.

With Congress reconvening Tuesday after an August break, Republicans in the House and Senate say they will focus on Pentagon and domestic security spending bills, port security legislation and measures that would authorize the administration’s terror surveillance program and create military tribunals to try terror suspects.

Meanwhile, the Southwest is being re-conquered by Mexico. But Mexico, by president tells me, is my friend. Though he obviously has no idea that we stole, some time ago, quite a bit of land from that good friend of ours. I'm not here to examine the morality of the American conquest of Mexico, but suffice it to say that Mexico wants that--its--land back.

Oh, and while Mexicans waltzing across the border will but shrink the size of the republic, there is a fighting chance that some who enter this country may be akin to those freedom hating terrorists. Why this is of no concern to the Congresscritters and our lovely leader presently escapes me.

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