Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Islam United

...and how best to achieve that which is so undesirable

From Drudge:

Iran's supreme leader leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei tells Hezbollah leader that his 'victory' over Israel was a victory for Islam...

This is slightly disconcerting for one who is familiar with the history of Islam, which goes roughly as follows: a leader emerges who unites all of Islam. The Islamic creed is too simple for the complicated disputes which have plagued Christianity, so this leader is not a theologian, though he knows his Koran; he merely fits his role from a pragmatic standpoint. Islam then goes on a rampage wherein the infidels need be wary. Eventually, after much bloodshed, the leader dies. One of two things happens: either someone steps in to lead, and the crusade continues, or pretenders to the metaphorical throne squabble and Islam returns to factionalism until the realm can again be united,

It is too early to tell who will emerge as leader of the Islamic world, but the belligerent behavior of America and Israel has left sectarianism on the back burner. Moreover the war drums continue to beat. If the United States goes to war with Iran, the affect will be to further unify the Middle East. This would be a disatrous thing.

Yet the neo-cons will not admit defeat, which is tantamount to acknowledging the foolishness of their original mission. With Hersch claiming that the U.S. already has special forces in Iran, it would be equally foolish to believe that the neo-conservatives have learned their lesson.

I put the odds of a war with Iran at 50/50, if only because I can no longer be surprised with the idiocy that masquerades as foreign policy.


troutsky said...

We MUST remember there were times and places in history where Islam and Christianity got along in a cosmopolitan, tolerant sort of acceptance. Violence isn't the Necessary outcome, or am i just nuts?

A Wiser Man Than I said...

That's a good observation. Initially, Islam seemed miltant, but not obnoxiously so as Christians were allowed to pay tribute in exchange for accepting Mohammed's "more perfect" revelation.

I don't think you're completely nuts, but you do seem to be far more optimistic than I can manage to be. =)