Monday, February 05, 2007

Guilani: Good Enough for the GOP

While working out today, I glanced up to see that 83% of Republicans would like to see Rudi Guiliani in the White House. As an aside, I think it's a testament to the conservative or at least apathetic nature of the engineering school in the Midwest wherein I am enrolled. I don't think the Berkley kids watch Fox News whilst working out. Then again, they don't watch CMT either.

The eccentricities of my engineering compatriots aside, I find it a bit hard to believe that 83% of Republicans would support a candidate who is pro-choice, pro-gay marriage, and pro-gun control. I knew many Republicans had left principle behind in their quest to support Bush in his war on terror, but surely more than seventeen lonely percent have not been wholly turned into puppets of Fox News. Alas no.

I can't deal with these people.

In this world of sin and sorrow there is always something to be thankful for; as for me, I rejoice that I am not a Republican. - H. L. Mencken


Anonymous said...

Yeah, I don't know. I'm going to have to say FOX is becoming the softer, kinder CNN, loose, at least, with it's numbers and backing an agenda, not reporting the news. That's a no go on Guilani. Maybe in NYC, but nowhere else. However, if it's true, I am not a Republican.

I must admit, I hated the part of college that included the liberalism. Even in the engineering side, it was thick. I'm not in it for the moment, though I might have to get back in when I can get back up but I would prefer to find a place that offers a decent education if I have to put up with idiocy.

Nice little collect at Vox's place. She will never get it though. Might be in one of your classes:)

A Wiser Man Than I said...

A friend of mine commented that Guiliani could help the Republicans take New York, but if he's running against Clinton, that won't happen at all. I really don't get it.

There has been very little liberalism at my school. Unfortunately, this has been largely due to the sheer apathy of the students, but hey, that's why I hang out at Vox's place.

I don't think she's in my classes. There aren't very many women in any of them, and logic is something of a pre-req for most engineering. =) Thank goodness.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you that Guiliani can't help win NY. Beyond, it isn't enough of a win even if true to offset the losses. I'm skeptical at times regarding politics. It almost looks like the parties take turns winning. Once it is decided who will win what, the losers dog the election/reelection campaigns. Republicans have been dogging it.

I am rather envious of your school then. The liberalism here is a stench one can't escape. When you see offensive things every single day, many times, when you hear people blather about the idiocy of the good of communism as if it was fact, when you see idiots excelling in classes when they honestly don't know what they are talking about, can't back it, and have no ability to even write it, you would be pleased to be where you are. Some compare this town, Iowa City, to Berkley, and I do believe it an apt description or comparison.

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Do you go the University of Iowa then?

I've been lucky to avoid all the liberalism during my college career. Heck, they print my articles in the school paper. I don't think I could get published at say, Berkeley--and not because of an inability to write.

Stick with the books and live in Vox land. It's worked pretty well for me.

Anonymous said...

I have attended U of Iowa (Berkeley lite), yes. I am having difficulty adjusting to high blood pressure meds, they completely wiped me out of school, when there side effect added to my original difficulty with sleep. I've tried many and am still trying to find the med(s) that will work.

Yeah, Vox is ok. I also visit The Other Side of Kim (not a gal), Bane's Rants, and a little cluster of real men's blogs. There are some women's sites I like, but not for politics (or even any of that racy stuff, (Oh) Pretty Lady has a good one). Yours too, now. It does help keep things straight. The books help you keep your nose clean in school, if you are cracking them:) I actually quit most of my drinking when I started school. I just couldn't do both. Saddly, now I'm doing neither, ha.