Monday, June 05, 2006

Devil's Day

Tomorrow is but a Tuesday, yet because we live in age of all but perpetual fear, the significance of June 6th means the day belongs to the Devil. Since, according to Christ, the world is his already, one wonders why he would especially need a particular day all for himself. In any event, in the Book of Revelation, the sign of the beast is signified by the number 666, and thus, Never mind that parts of Revelation are almost hopelessly cryptic, the obvious interpretation of the Biblically illiterate is that the apocalypse is drawing nigh. While it is entirely possible that the end times loom, this has nothing to do with the numerical significance of this Tuesday. Biblically speaking, the number seven signifies perfection. Six, being one less than seven, denotes a lapse in this perfect goodness--in other words evil; and the three sixes make this evil superlative. Any other significance should be gleaned cautiously, if at all.

Nevertheless, partial hysteria is taking place in regions of the globe:

A Netherlands-based Evangelical organisation has called on Christians in 21 countries to hold a 24-hour prayer vigil against Satanic forces to mark so-called Devil's Day...

"The forces of evil are using this day," Mathijs Piet of the organisation told AFP.

"Through our action we want to stop them from achieving their goal."

Prayer to God is always a good thing, so I hesitate to impugn their efforts. Yet a word of caution is needed. Satan is the Great Deceiver. He does not work in obvious ways so that Christians can easily block him; his chicanery is subtle.

There is a Mark of the Beast, but it will not be a tattoo of three sixes on the hands of those who follow him. Such an interpretation is both too forward and too insensible. Far more likely, in order to do business in the New World Order, computer chips will be implanted in our hands. Regardless as to whether or not such hardware features the trifecta of sixes, it will fulfill the meat of John's prophesy.

It is well and good to remind believers of Satan; for the world belongs to him, and we need always be on guard against him who would tempt us into meriting damnation. Yet Satan is already hard at work, and, so far as I would wager, tomorrow is but an ordinary day of labor for that fallen angel. As the Western world continues to embrace secularism and it's sacraments of gay marriage, abortion, pornography and other moral degradations, we can see Satan continue to work even through the democratic systems which are held sacrosanct.

At least in America, the Christians have put faith in the republican party and George W. Bush to keep the forces of evil at bay. It is ironic that the blind faith has does nothing to prevent evil, and has even ushered in, I continue to assert, the much loathed Hillary as President. The greatest trick of the devil, it is said, was convincing the world he did not exist. The believers will not be swayed, and Satan has seen no reason to waste his time on a futile endeavor. Instead, he let an equally damaging myth be propagated: the democrats were evil, but the republicans were good. Until we strongly consider the possibility that we have been deceived, whether or not tomorrow is his day, the devil will continue to have his way.

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