Friday, June 09, 2006

Clearly a Lack of Case

If women never lie about rape, then which woman is lying?

Investigator Benjamin Himan first contacted Roberts on March 20, one week after the lacrosse party that ended in the early hours of March 14.

"She heard that (the accuser) was sexually assaulted, which she stated is a 'crock' and she stated that she was with her the whole time until she left," according to Himan's notes. "The only time she was alone was when she would not leave and that time period was less than five minutes."

Apologies should be forthcoming, I'm almost certain. What a joke.

This seems as good a time as any to discuss rape shield laws. So long as the first "dancer's" identity remains a secret, she suffers no ill consequences from this outright fabrication. Let's release her identity; perhaps she'll change her tune.


troutsky said...

Your attention to this case suggests you believe it to have larger,symbolic implications. Are rape shield laws really a cause clebre of yours? I never considered you an angry white male but what the heck, race ,sex, power, whats the big issue?

A Wiser Man Than I said...

Culture has demonstrated a disturbing trend to avoid blaming the "victim" for any of his/her behavior, however foolish. If this woman was raped--which she wasn't--she is need of a lesson in common sense, not pseudo-compassionate drivel.

The men from Duke were unfairly targeted, and deserve to have their reputation restored.

Plus, I've been reading Camille Paglia.