Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Pope (and God) Want More Babies

I have a big family. I'm the oldest of eight kids and my parents drive one of those twelve passenger vans that gets absolutely terrible gas mileage--there just isn't any way we can all fit in a Saab. One of the more humorous things about living with a small army is milking the family rates for all they're worth. My dad calls it the "Catholic discount" and with good reason.

Well, it seems that Pope Benedict XVI would like to go back to days when Catholics got discounts by the ton. Okay, so that's not exactly what he said. His message was more on the lines with that other good Catholic--God--who said "be fruitful and multiply." The liberals are probably complaining that instead of reforming Church policy on homosexuality Benedict is actually reading the Good Book. Maybe it's because I'm in a compassionate mood, but I'll forgive him, at least this time.

Pope Benedict XVI told Catholics to have more babies "for the good of society," saying that some countries were being sapped of energy because of low birth rates.

Maybe the Pope reads Buchanan too. Actually, the Pope too, sees what more and more conservatives are seeing. Birth control has become so darned handy that having kids is a downright nuisance. I'm beating the dead horse, but it's nice that someone with a bit of power actually gets it.

He said the decline in the number of births "deprives some nations of freshness and energy and of hopes for the future incarnate in children."

Silly Pope, we're all pessimists now. Also, we're way too selfish to worry about our children's future. This guy is seriously out of the times, maybe we should get a new Pope who understands how things really are.

The pope also spoke of "the security, the stability and the force of a numerous family."

Again, he needs to step out of the fifties. Material things make us happy and we get security and stability from owning useless stuff. Children and the love for them are immaterial things which we have no need for.

It's good to see there is one light left in all this darkness...

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