Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Election Results

Yesterday, the Republicans got rocked hard, losing majorities in both the House and the Senate.

US President George W. Bush took responsibility for a "thumping" by Democrats in congressional elections, and admitted the drubbing reflected frustration over a "lack of progress" in Iraq.

"I know there's a lot of speculation on what the election means for the battle we're waging in Iraq," Bush said at a White House news conference, as his Republican party digested its defeat by Democrats.

"I recognize that many Americans voted last night to register their displeasure with the lack of progress being made there," he said.

The election was not just a moratorium on the War in Iraq. The Democrats won this election because of conservative voters who had the good sense to stay home and moderates who, sensibly seeing little difference in the governing policies of either party, voted for change.

When you abdicate the principles which got you elected, don't be surprised when your base loses interest in re-electing you. It's simple, really.

When Republicans refused to address illegal immigration in any serious manner; when they refused to balance the budget; when they spent more on pork than the Democrats ever did, and didn't curtail government spending in the least, they could not have honestly been surprised when conservatives failed to re-elect them.

"She's not going to abandon her principles and I'm not going to abandon mine. I do believe we have common ground to move forward on," he said.

Seeing how Mr. Bush has already abandoned any conservative principles, I couldn't care less what he does with Pelosi. One of two things will happen: either things will continue as before--reckless spending, failure to do anything not wholly destructive, etc.--or Bush will begin to exercise his veto power. It's about damned time.

I don't feel an ounce of pity for the Republicans, and I eagerly await the Democrats turn to prove they share equally in evil.

Expect another column on this for next week's Lode. Also, I'll make sure to post this week's columns as soon as the website is back up.

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