Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Vote Because (Insert Lame Excuse Here)

David Limbaugh hopes you don't think too hard about what he's saying:

I don't care how many times I hear it, I refuse to believe that significant numbers of conservatives will stay home in November and thereby assist the Democratic Party to regain control of Congress...

Conservatives are generally rational creatures and sophisticated enough to understand that the national interest will not be served by turning national security over to a party wholly incapable of safeguarding it for the sake of punishing Republicans.

Stay in line kids. We can't let the Democrats win because then we'll lose the war on terror--whatever that means. Or something.

I don't believe conservatives will conspire to assign control over immigration to the wide-open border Democrats, notwithstanding the Republicans' tardy and so-far inadequate response to the immigration problem. My assessment is reinforced by news that Congress passed a measure to erect a 700-mile border fence. Conservative angst forced recalcitrant politicians to act. This is how you get results – not by replacing a highly imperfect party with an incomparably egregious one.

But that is not how you get results. You get results by demanding that, in exchange for your vote, certain things are done. Limbaugh believes that the Republican's position on security is enough to merit voting for them; this despite the fact that the GOP is no longer "conservative" by any stretch of the imagination.

Limbaugh thinks that if you go to a restaurant, and when the coffee is cold, the toast burnt, the eggs dry, and the bacon fried to a crisp--but less fried than the competitor's bacon--the coffee will reach the level of warm if you continue to patronize the restaurant. I hope we all understand the fatal flaw in that reasoning. In lieu of a genuine incentive, we must trust in the beneficiency of the GOP.

If you want something to be done about illegal immigration, spending, out-sourcing, abortion, etc., call your republican congressman and/or senator. Tell him that since he didn't do X, you're going to stay home. Or, tell him you'll vote for the Democrat to teach him a lesson.

The only "power" we have is our vote. True, because a sizeable portion of the American public is, apparently, dumber than a box of rocks, that power is minimized, still it is our only real power. Until we recognize the viable option of removing consent, we'll forever be stuck between two parties of people we really don't like, perpetually voting for the lesser of two evils. Pardon me for failing to be sufficiently joyful concerning the opportunity.

It is time for conservatives to ignore the Democrat and Old Media propaganda and vote in even greater numbers in November. If Democrats and the Old Media keep reporting that conservatives are going to stay home, they might be in store for the upset of their lives on Election Day – just maybe.

I really don't know how many "most important elections of our lifetime" we can sit through before we realize that the pundits are selling us a crock of crap. If conservatives were actually rational creatures, and not pragmatic ones, the majority would stay home come November.

I'm going home for a wedding this weekend, and, aside from impressing the ladies with my incredible inability to cut a rug, my goal is to convince as many people as possible to sit this election cycle out.

I like to think myself as a kind super-hero. Sort of like Under-Dog.

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